Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22-23, 2016


  • Students will complete a creative entry task that requires them to build a story using the following words:
Turkey, Larry, cranberry, dirt road, hammer, grandma, explosion, "So now what?", and magnificient.
These stories are hilarious and showcase the fabulous creativity that is in this class!
  • Students will read "Magic and the Brain".
  • This weeks focus is text features and their purposes.
HOMEWORK:  Students will create a 1-page assignment using the following text features:
  1. title
  2. subtitle
  3. 2 full sophisticated paragraphs
  4. bold words  with definitions on the page
  5. headings
  6. visual aids and captions
  7. For elite points:  footnotes, additional paragraphs, professional display
Here is a link to slide share that may be useful:  EXAMPLE


  • We will gallery walk our 1-page text feature assignments.
  • A model lesson of annotating a text rich non-fiction piece
HOMEWORK:  Students will read, answer questions, and ANNOTATE p 31-34 in their close reader

Conference Week

Thank you so much to all of you who came in for conference week.  I really appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about your student.  I love the family/school connections that build during these opportunities.

Susie DeRousie

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Q2-Week 1 November 8,9,10

Tuesday, November 8th

  • Students will finish assessment from last week.
  • We dive in to our new collection in the text book,"The People Could Fly".  Our focus is identifying elements of a folk tale and summarizing.
HOMEWORK:  Latin suffix page -ure, -ery, -ary, -ence, -ance,-ive,-ative,-ion,-ation

Wednesday, November 9th

  • We will craft a summary of "The People Could Fly" using SBWST strategy.
  • Analysis of two poems, "The Song of Wandering Aengus" and "Sonnet 43"
HOMEWORK: #1-3 p.76 textbook (analyzing and comparing two poems)

Thursday, November 10

No school

11/1-11/3 End of Quarter 1!

You should be proud! Your students completed a major essay and used multiple pieces of evidence to support their thinking!  This week we wrapped up the quarter by taking an end-of-unit assessment, scoring our essays to the state rubric and finalizing any missing pieces.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 7 10-10 to 10-14

This week's focus will be completing an argument paper.  We read 4 stories, and watched a newscast on youth taking bold actions.  Students will be taking a stance and supporting their thinking with evidence from the text.  They are using the rubrics from the state to guide their work.  They will publish their writing.


We analyzed the state's rubric to guide our work.  Students also wrote practice mini-claims using data on education in the United States. They also began learning about attention getting techniques.

HOMEWORK:  Students will write 6 attention-getting sentences using the "imagine" technique learned about in class.


Short day (early release).  We will continue working on introduction techniques and gathering data for our papers.

HOMEWORK:  Gather 15 pieces of text evidence from both sides of the issue using the stories in the text book, close reader, and newscast.


Students will learn concession/rebuttal strategies, elaboration techniques, and begin applying the learning to their papers.

HOMEWORK:  Finish frames for paper.


Map making and US Regions

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 5


This week we focus on author's claim and using evidence to support our thinking.


  • Read and annotate "Big Things" short story found in their CLOSE READER
  • We will revisit some challenging homework and reteach.  Students ALWAYS have the opportunity to re-do an assignment.
HOMEWORK:  Modify or add to Facebook assignment as needed


  • Block 2 will be making PB&J for needy students
  • Read and annotate "Finding Your Everest" for claim
HOMEWORK:  Finish "Big Things" with annotation


  • Begin writing a claim paper on the theme: BOLD ACTIONS
  • Annotate and discuss Nisqualli text (5W and H-review)
HOMEWORK:  REVIEW-setting on plot


  • Continue working on claim paper
  • SBAC Performance Task-walk through as a class
HOMEWORK:  Read and annotate Circle (Native American Text) 

secret word: annotate


  • Wrap up claim papers
  • Finish reading any text left behind
  • Grade Checks
  • IR time with conferring
HOMEWORK:  Any missing work or re-dos from week

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 4

This week WE GO HEAD TO HEAD with another 7th grade class in a "What Really Happened in The Elevator" short story ending.

FOCUS:  Annotating non-fiction text and finding main ideas and supporting details
FOCUS:  Finding an authors claim
FOCUS:  Evaluating an authors claim for validity


  • ENTRY:  What is one book or movie that that setting played a large role in the plot?  Explain. 
  • Read short story, "The Elevator" while annotating for character and plot
Here is a link to the story   The Elevator
  • Craft an ending to the story (to be used in the competition)
HOMEWORK:  INFERENCE #1  and if you want to challenge yourself, GIFT O MAGI INFERENCE PAGE


  • ENTRY:  What text evidence did the author use to show that Martin is not a confrontational person who is not secure in himself?  Note what paragraphs you found the evidence in. 
  • Computer Lab-students will have a chance to explore their e-books and complete a who, what, when, why, and how chart on a non-fiction article of their choice.  
  • Independent Reading time.  


  • ENTRY:  Focus on Latin.  What is mar, nav, ology, er, or, and bio
  • CONTEST!!!  We will head over to Mr. K's classroom and read their Elevator endings and vote.  They will be in our room reading ours.

  • Claim mini lesson
  • Read 2 short stories on a teen sailor


  • ENTRY:  Review-List and define the elements of plot.  
  • We will learn how to annotate news stories.  "Was Abby too Young?"  
  • Independent Reading
  • Extend and Review-Students will be given time to review concepts that they have been struggling with and will work with me in small groups.  Students who are at mastery will have a chance to extend their learning with higher level texts. 
HOMEWORK:  Read and annotate 2 stories on Teen Sailor and complete attached charts (5W's1H) and fact vs. opinion.  **Just pick 1 story for Thursday and 1 for Friday.  DUE MONDAY


  • ENTRY:  Read paragraph and make an inference using text based thinking.
  • SBAC-we will walk through a performance task (what they complete at the end of the year as their state-based assessment).  We will not get through the entire process, but we will continue next Friday.
  • LIBRARY-Don't forget to bring your books back and exchange for new books!
HOMEWORK:  Complete Teen Sailor work